16 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Slugs and Snails

In fact there’s almost nothing in your garden they won’t eat. Slugs are particularly partial to the leafy parts of plants, stems and seedlings, so it’s common for them to devastate young, growing plants. They’re also known to take bites out of ripe fruits as these release a natural chemical called ethylene, which slugs and snails are especially attracted to. For many people the first thought is to pick up a commercial snail repellent or the first slug-killing concoction you can find at your local garden store.

home remedies to keep slugs away

From the onset, Hostas are used as a shade owing to their large and lush leaves. Unfortunately, slugs also find hostas leaves accommodating and supportive of their nature. Slugs love cool places where they can shy away from the human eyes and the burning sensations of the sun. Another reason slugs cannot seem to get their hands off hostas is the friendly environment hostas plants are cultivated.

Construct a Fruity Trap

Typically, you’ll find a large amount of slugs or snails in your garden after it rains or after you’ve watered your plants. They lose a significant position of their body weight by crawling around, and will therefore look for moist places to survive. Natural garden pest repellent that will prevent snails and slugs from eating your plants. Because slugs and snails have slimy, moist bodies, they also prefer moist environments out of direct sunlight.

home remedies to keep slugs away

For areas where hails are frequently experienced, dealing with holes on the hostas leaves is common. Studies show that hails are one of the reasons behind round holes in hostas leaves. Here is another natural way to deal with slugs on your hostas plants. Figure out what animals feed on slugs and bring them into your garden. Consider setting a bait to get rid of slugs from your hostas. Do this at night when slugs are most active to get the best result.

Why do slug-like hostas

If not, you can use your leftover breakfast eggshells. Crush up the shells and spread them throughout your garden beds and around your plants. This introduces more soil nutrition, which makes this a particularly beneficial method.

Therefore, they evade crossing paths with copper as much as they can. This is also practical to use as it doesn’t deteriorate over time or require reapplication after each rain. Making beer traps is another DIY project that you can do by yourself.

Recycled Wool Waste Pellets

Trust me, I had a personal vendetta against slugs for many years because they destroyed my flowers for years. I asked my neighbor if he was having similar problems, and he said that he had been tortured with slugs at one time. He still had the problem but greatly diminished it by putting a bird feeder into the garden. It attracted quite a few wild birds that apparently helped eat the slugs. They make slugs disappear and stop breeding, which really is the biggest issue with slugs.

home remedies to keep slugs away

If they are surrounded by ground covers that are not easy to slide over. Wear gloves when sprinkling the DE powder into the affected areas to avoid lung and skin irritation. However, the problem with this method is that when it rains, it makes the pellets utterly useless. With that said, you have to reapply these pellets every after the rain. Rodents can be the most frustrating kind of pests to deal with.

Cooper tape wound around and around on a raised planter has shown to repel slugs and snails most of the time. You can create a slug killing spray by making a solution of ammonia and water. Mix 1 part plain household ammonia with 6 parts water. Pour this into a spray bottle, and spritz it onto the slugs whenever you see them. Just be careful not to use it directly on the plants, as over time it might burn the leaves. A slug’s Achilles ankle is its soft body, easily irritated by sharp or dry materials.

If you see these creatures crawling along on your plants, don’t spray them. Ensure you set up the barriers before the first leaves sprout to keep pests off from the beginning. Snail and slugs love posters, and they’re a particular problem in springtime. Many people avoid planting hostas because of the slug and snail problem.

The next morning, flip the board over to find a bunch of slugs hiding there. You can place hair around the base of your plants and affected areas of your house to help eliminate or deter snails and slugs. To get rid of snails and slugs with vinegar, combine one cup of vinegar with half a cup of water in a spray bottle. Make a homemade slug-repellent spray by mixing 4 tablespoons of diatomaceous earth with a gallon of water. It will become effective against these pests once it dries out.

home remedies to keep slugs away

When you see the snails and slugs eat this cornmeal, then leave, it can make you think all you did was feed them a delicious meal. The slugs will eventually die from the ingredients inside of the cornmeal shortly after they have crawled away. Another popular beverage that helps get rid of these snails and slugs is beer, specifically, flat beer. Follow the below steps to properly feed this to your unwelcomed friends and create a handy trap for them to fall into.


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