Remote Work at Toptal

When you’ve been freelancing for some time, you may be wondering what comes after mid-level gigs and independent referral jobs. How you can take your skills to the next level and work with world-class companies in enthusiastic teams on the cutting edge of your industry? That’s where Toptal comes in – and invites you to apply to their exclusive platform if you’ve got the right stuff. One of the most respected sites for high-earning freelancers to earn money from various assignments isToptal. Every day on Toptal, freelancers from all around the world earn a sizable sum of money by completing jobs for clients.

toptal work from home

At Toptal, we encourage growth for each and every member of our talent network. We have dedicated tools and processes set up to help you build new skills, so that you can take on projects that are of interest to you. Whether you use our community Slack channel to chat with experts or attend Toptal Academies, you’ll have the tools necessary to improve your existing skills and gain new ones. Toptal offers opportunities in a full range of Python projects and provided me with jobs that match my area of expertise while allowing me to extend my skillset further. Toptal really eased the burden of searching for new clients, making the process as streamlined as possible. Toptal has been a breath of fresh air for finding exciting projects.

What does your remote-friendly company do?

In short, we try to do things that help the people at Toptal be badass. For example, we encourage, support, and celebrate travel and adventure. A lot of times on team calls, we’ll start by asking people from where they are working today. The answers are often incredible and include exotic countries, exotic locations, and exotic atmospheres. The client generally wins arbitrations and complaints so you can hire a freelance developer from either platform. This model is ideally suited to talented individuals who want to work for themselves, set their hours, and work on exciting projects.

toptal work from home

In 2022, Toptal has connected freelancers with thousands of global clients for their remote freelance jobs. As a bonus, you can earn up to $10,000 upon completion of a project lasting a week or a month. According to the platform, its freelancers are the best on the internet, but they also offer a refund if the client is unsatisfied with their services. This is why many significant clients are willing to invest in the platform since it safeguards the client’s investment.

Part 6: Common Problems

Help lead growth marketing content strategy across marketing channels. Continuously elevate the quality of ad copy, ensuring it is backed by credible facts, conveys clarity of thought, and is compelling and action-inducing for an intelligent, driven... Angie Nelson began working from home in 2007 when she figured out how to take her future into her own hands and escape the corporate cubicle farm. Angie’s goal is sharing her passion for home business, personal finance, telecommuting, and entrepreneurship, and her work has been featured on Recruiter, FlexJobs and Business News Daily. With 150 reviews on Glassdoor, Toptal is rocking a pretty solid 4.1 stars, with over 76% of reviewers saying they’d recommend working with Toptal to a friend.

toptal work from home

After filling out the details and selecting your speciality, you need to finish a time-consuming, four-step screening. You require a laptop and a dependable Internet connection in order to sign up for Toptal. Additionally, you must ensure that the platform is compatible with your services.

Want a Great Remoteor Flexible Job?

With asynchronous communication, a team member provides information, and the recipient sees and responds in their own time. Working this way helps maximize productivity when team members are located in very different timezones. Imagine “passing the baton” in the evening and waking up to a completed project in the morning. Another building block to enabling productivity is enabling meetings to be purposeful, actionable, and punctual.

toptal work from home

If you’re looking for a means to earn money on the side or wish to work as a freelancer full-time, Toptal is your best bet. You’ll learn whatToptal is, how it functions, how much money you can make using the platform, and its advantages and disadvantages. A step-by-step tutorial for getting started on Toptal and advice for generating extra income are also covered in this review of Toptal. It’s important for developers to remember, especially with non-technical clients, that progress you can visualize with a user interface is often the only thing that matters to the client. That’s not to say that doing good work on the back-end is irrelevant, but rather that you need to make all this good work tangible in the eyes of the client.

If so, please click "Applied for Job" to save it to your "Application History" page. Identify, prioritize, and advance opportunities that drive growth of lead acquisition and retention. Provide strategic guidance for Growth Product and Performance Marketing, help quantify and prioritize strategic directions and initiatives across all...

This helps individuals and teams to better see the impact of their work and allows them to increase their productivity by being smarter about how they focus their efforts. Toptalers spend so much time traveling together and doing amazing things both work-related and otherwise. For us, remote work does not mean outsourcing, which is typically an attempted arbitrage of costs. Our arbitrage is on opportunity and drive, not money, which is something that works exceptionally well when you remove location from the equation.

This allows us to connect finance and payroll across 70+ countries, making it easy to pull reports from one single source. Document, slide, and spreadsheet creation are ubiquitous skills throughout any organization. In recent years, software capabilities have been enhanced by advances in collaborative working features. Working on live G Suite documents with colleagues is common practice for us. Ensuring that background noise, either internal or external, is minimized on calls is a must for individuals working remotely.

toptal work from home

Enjoy the flexibility of remote work with the stability of a full-time role and the freedom to choose innovative and challenging jobs with top companies. As I mentioned previously, they work extensively with tech companies, which is great for you if you have programming expertise. Submit a job to let us know what you need—the more details the better. Whether it’s a single freelancer or a cross-functional team of ten, Toptal can handle it. After we get the job description, our internal team of experts will review it and connect with you in order to answer any questions and to get an even better understanding of your exact needs. It also helps to have a single KPI around which everyone in the company can rally (new clients, revenue, a launch date, etc.).

On Projects Where You Can Setup the Best Practices

Our recruiting process capitalizes upon a virtually limitless talent pool unbounded by geography, and our technology allows for rapid video interviews that accelerate the hiring process to secure the best talent. Interactive training tools can also provide self-directed onboarding resources in an easy and effective way to educate new team members on a company-wide compulsory subject matter. This system allows us to include our required compliance training, company and department information, tools and technology training, and more.

toptal work from home

Both cloud-based applications and software-as-a-service applications form the backbone of our company, facilitating our remote working capabilities and collaboration across the globe. We further cascade the OKRs down to the individual level to ensure that everyone in the company is focused on the right things and is productive in the use of their time. Additionally, any key dependencies are also noted and “accepted” when others are crucial to achieving the desired outcomes. Productivity can be at its peak if there is a strong alignment of goals across the entire company.

While Toptal uses a system created in-house for its customer relationship management, plenty of other tools such as Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics CRM can work for other organizations. This tracking allows us to monitor the progress of engagements and quickly address any red flags that pop up. In addition to these one-on-ones, we ask our managers to keep their digital “door” open, allowing team members to reach out anytime for a quick video chat. Creating this atmosphere naturally has a trickle-down effect for how team members communicate with each other. Our experience using these tools allows us to match—and often surpass—the effectiveness of an office-based organization.

toptal work from home

In a similar way to our configuration backup procedures, we also store a copy of the source code for any application that relies on GitHub. In the event that a service cannot access the source code from GitHub, they are directed to fetch it from an alternate backup location , where a working copy of the code is available. This ensures continuous access to, and use of, any of these applications. The Compliance team processes all audit reports and assesses what actions need to be taken to ensure compliance in accordance with our policies. IT Operations is responsible for providing account access and permissions changes to all Toptal team members for all internal services.


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