Snails and Slugs 19 Best Natural Ways to Prevent Pesky Snails & Slugs

Food grade diatomaceous earth is pointier and will hurt slugs, earwigs, and other pests a lot more than pool grade. After it rains, you will have to reapply it, but luckily, this is one of the market’s cheapest products. It’s very light, and a pound of it will typically run you a couple of bucks.

This is where you can usually find these pests when they aren’t chowing down on your leafy greens. Next time you eat any citrus foods that contain peels, don’t throw them out. These are known to be an effective method of keeping snails and slugs off your garden plants.

Get Rid of the Ones That Are Inside Your House

There are a number of them on the market, and as an avid gardener, I have tried a number of them. For the best results, monitor the soil during the early hours of the day or late at night when they come out of hiding. University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program. You can always purchase chicks at a local feed store, but you will get more karma points for adopting rescue chickens that need a good home. If you live in a more rural area and have the space, geese or ducks are also options.

home remedies to keep slugs away

These nematodes seek out most soil-dwelling pests and kill them. Follow the instructions that come with your order on how to use it. Very useful tips, these pests eat everything in the garden. The slugs won’t crawl over the ash to get to the plant. There is nothing worse than waking up on a beautiful morning, only to find slugs in your house.

Sprinkle Sand Around Plants

The fermented smell of the beer attracts the slugs, but they’ll fall and quickly drown in the beer overnight. Check the container the next morning and empty it if there are slugs inside. “Insect dust”, a.k.a. diatomaceous earth is a chalky white to off-white powder sold in many garden shops.

This lingering scent of the beer will lure the snails and slugs to the bottle, falling right into your trap and out of your hair. A great natural predator of slugs is ducks – although they will also eat your lettuce seedlings so keep them protected until the plants have matured. Spray the stems, too, because the slugs sometimes chew into them. Consider the leaves that fall on the ground because they are an easy meal for the slugs.

Beer Trap

Some gardeners swear by homemade snail and slug repellents. This are made by mixing garlic or coffee grounds into water in a spray bottle. Spray down your plants with this mixture, as well as the ground around the plants to deter slugs and snails. If you want to naturally deter your slugs and snails, without killing them, don’t spray directly at them. And traditional slug pellets, while extremely effective, can affect local wildlife who eat the poisoned slugs and snails.

home remedies to keep slugs away

Coffee offers two advantages when preventing slugs on hostas. To prevent slugs on hostas from using beer, simply take a cup and fill it halfway with beer. There are three main approaches you can take to prevent slugs from eating your hostas.

How to Prevent Slugs on Hostas?

A slug has a fragile body and will therefore not find the sharp edges on broken eggshells funny. It is a very effective way to get rid of slugs naturally. Considered a soil treatment, the powder can be sprinkled around your plants to make it harder to impossible for slugs to climb up onto your plants. It can irritate the eyes and lungs because it is a fine silicate substance, so use protective equipment when handling it. Be sure you also purchase food grade diatomaceous earth, not pool grade.

home remedies to keep slugs away

Slugs also dislike plants with fuzzy or furry foliage. For the most part, slugs thrive in highly moist environments. One of the best preventative measures you can take is to make sure your garden does not stay overly wet. While there are all kinds of slug-killing concoctions available, using toxic pesticides is bad for beneficial insects and bad for our waterways. So instead, if you are suffering from an assault of slugs, consider one of these natural alternatives instead. Herbs such as rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme, mint and parsley are all great additions to a garden because they look and smell nice.

She studied Environmental Horticulture at the City College of San Francisco and has over 10 years of experience with Environmental Horticulture. Many of the slug baits that are advertised as safe do contain toxins that hurt or kill a variety of invertebrates including earthworms. Slugs are molluscs, not insects, so common insecticides will not work. Space plants far enough apart to allow air flow between them. These are both made of ingredients that are safe for use in your organic garden. Pour small piles of cornmeal at various locations in your garden.

home remedies to keep slugs away

This is when things are moist, and these pests need a moist environment to survive. If you water your garden in the evening you are unwittingly creating a haven for these pests and make them even more attracted to your garden and plants. You will likely see the impact of their nightly work on the leaves of your plants in the morning. If you water in the morning, the sunlight will dry your plants out before night time, making them less welcoming to slugs and snails. This article was co-authored by Melinda Meservy and by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Melinda Meservy is a Plant Specialist and the Owner of Thyme and Place, a botanical boutique offering plants and gifts in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Home Remedies for Slugs – Volcanic Rock

That makes it different from slug killers such as pellets. Because they’re little, and because they have to get from point A to point B by squirming around, it can be challenging for them to get where they’re going. Chicken coop to your yard might be the perfect solution to your snail problem. Slugs love citrus, which means you can use them as a trap.

home remedies to keep slugs away

No matter how big or small your garden is, slugs and snails are you worst enemy. These insatiable pests can consume several times their own body weight in food in one day. Snail and slugs can seem to appear out of nowhere, especially when the weather is mild and damp. So it’s little wonder we’ve tried many different ways to control them. Using chemical control methods to get rid of slugs can harm or even result in your host plant plants' death. There are other ways to get rid of Slugs in Hostas leaves without causing damage to the hostas plant itself.


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